Cynthia (Simran)
Metaphysical Minister
Mystic Yogini Medicine Woman
Invitations Open NOW!
5 weeks held in the Grace of the Beloved via Cynthia's Intimate Spirit Connection
Allow Holy Spirits Wisdom to Rest within You, Heal and align in your highest expression.
Walk With Grace
Need Some Grace?
An inviting for those
who are looking to receive assistance with their Health, Energy, and it's Behaviour.
The first week Cynthia will sit daily for you
track energy and look for the pattern of it’s behaviour.
Invite The Beloved Holy Wisdom to use her as an instrument
in healing what is ready for alignment.
We have had great success with this model of healing human experiences and the behaviours that misalignments produce.
When we are in Fear/Stress we go offline to where we would like to BE, this always impacts our energetics.
Working with you daily to track and strengthen or calm the specific energies that show and go out of alignment daily, is a key to health and wellness.
We can do this ourselves with Energy Medicine First Aid tools and techniques.
And when there are extra stressors and chronic experiences in health we need to level up and add to what we are doing to regulate and elevate.
Stabilising patterns for difficult health challenges.
The Divine Intuition!
First, Cynthia will sit in meditation and scan certain systems to see patterns.
Second, She communes with the Beloved Holy Wisdom Intelligence and
Thirdly, allow the healing to occur as it's WILL be done for you.
Fourth, Documents the patterns.
We do this daily the first week, 4-4 the second week, 3x third week or as required, 4th week reviewing support and maintanence on 5th week on your behalf, sitting in Grace specifically for you, via Spirit through Cynthia, this opens you to awareness of your experience.
You can then see subtlety of what is there to see in the experience, and it comes in more gently.
The expansion and contraction are parts of living life here. Yet we can develop ways of accepting and receiving the purity of Unconditional Love.
The offer is for;
people who want to work with Cynthia intensively over time.
Cynthia tracks, and sits with Grace to strengthen and align daily for the first week.
The second week we will see how the work is holding for you and what is required for 2nd, 3rd, and following months.
If you would like to be held in grace daily over the next 3, 6, or 12 months
Make your payment via the link.
You do not need to be there
This is done on your behalf via Cynthia’s Relationship with Holy Wisdom and the Beloved.
Allow your Blessing In.
You ARE Loved
1 or 2 pay at checkout below
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This offer is only available for a very limited time.
Make your booking Today!
Track 1
$1200 for 5 weeks
Track 2
Everything in Track 1
and guess what?
$400 Due now, Usually $1,890
NOW ONLY $697 per /mo
12 Month Commitment
[First Payment due in 7 days]
Track 3
Track 1&2
1 x Private Call Mth
Add a private call with Cynthia for only $300 a Month Extra
(value $600)
For limited time
$997 a month when you commit to 12 months.