What you can Expect!
SEPTEMBER we start the next 10 month journey of SIE CURA
This will be focused around your personal encodings and how these show your core challenges in life.
An Intimate group mentoring program
A self-initiation in Healing and Transformation
Cynthia J Harrison's spirit name is Simran Ishnaan Kaur
And means 'The one who cleanses Karma through the Remembrance of God.'
The Simran Ishnaan Experience (SIExperience) is a transformative 10-month journey that combines various healing modalities and intuitive techniques to support your personal growth and self-discovery. Led by the mystic Cynthia, the program incorporates the wisdom of SIE Cura, (Cura Te Ipsum means cure yourself, or "Heal Thyself," to help you identify and overcome your core challenges and fears.
1: The Power of Cross-Fertilization
In the next intake of the SIExperience, we will be incorporating a unique blend of knowledge from different disciplines to support your development. By combining intuitive techniques such as intentional creativity and painting with somatic work, sensory motor psychotherapy, and the mystic knowledge of human conscious evolution, we create a powerful framework for healing and growth. This cross-fertilization of ways of knowing allows for a deeper understanding of yourself and your journey.
Research has shown that integrating various modalities can lead to more effective outcomes in healing and personal growth. For example, a study by Leitch et al. (2009) demonstrated that combining sensory motor psychotherapy with mindfulness practices significantly reduced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and increased overall well-being in participants.
2: Unveiling Your Personal Encodings
The SIExperience focuses on exploring your personal encodings, which are the core challenges and fears you face in this lifetime. Through the use of Flame Letters Soul Codings, based on your name(s) and their vibrational influence, and by overlaying the codes of your birthdate, we uncover the unique patterns that shape your life experiences. By delving into the many aspects of your human experience, crossed-referenced with your soul and spirit journey, we gain valuable insights into your path of transformation.
Karum Kriya and Flame letters numerology are powerful tools for understanding your life purpose and the challenges you may face along the way. A study by Petersen (2015) explored the effectiveness of using numerology in personal development and found that it can provide valuable insights into an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and potential growth areas.
3: The Healing Power of Intentional Creativity
Intentional creativity and painting play a significant role in the SIExperience. By utilizing the canvas as a portal, we access deep information that supports your healing and growth. This intuitive process allows you to express and explore your inner world, bringing forth hidden aspects of yourself that may have been holding you back. Through this creative exploration, you learn to harmonize your nervous system and move towards goals that may have seemed unattainable in the past.
Research has demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of art-making and intentional creativity. A study by Kaimal et al. (2016) found that engaging in creative activities, such as painting and drawing, can significantly reduce stress and promote positive emotions. Furthermore, a review by Uttley et al. (2015) highlighted the effectiveness of art therapy in treating various mental health conditions, including trauma and anxiety.
4: Integrating Ancient Wisdom and Modern Techniques
The SIExperience weaves together ancient wisdom and modern techniques to create a comprehensive healing journey. Practices such as Karum Kriya, Flame letters Soul Codes, and somatic work are combined with the latest advancements in sensory motor psychotherapy and the understanding of human conscious evolution. This integration of knowledge creates a powerful foundation for self-discovery and transformation.
The field of metaphysics, which explores the fundamental nature of reality and being, can also contribute to our understanding of wellness and personal growth. A study by Goswami (2012) discussed the role of quantum physics in explaining the connection between consciousness and physical reality, highlighting the potential for using metaphysical principles in healing and self-transformation.
5: The Alchemical Experience
Under the guidance of the mystic Cynthia/SIMRAN and her intuitive connection to Grace, the SIExperience becomes a truly alchemical journey. Cynthia's unique ability to interrelate these various systems and modalities creates a transformative experience that addresses your core wound weaving and deepens your understanding of both love and fear within yourself. This program is the mothership for personal transformation, guiding you towards a more authentic and empowered version of yourself.
By engaging in this transformative work, you can free yourself from the restrictions imposed by your habitual patterns and mental maps. Research has shown that mindfulness practices, such as those incorporated in the SIExperience, can help individuals develop greater self-awareness and emotional regulation, leading to improved well-being and resilience (Keng et al., 2011).
If you feel called to this 10-month initiation of self, we invite you to Apply via the button below.
With limited places available, the SIExperience offers an intimate and supportive environment for your growth and healing.
Once you submit your application we will have a call to discuss how this program can help you unlock your potential and navigate your path with greater clarity and purpose.
Take the first step.
Click the link below to apply and discover how the Simran Ishnaan Experience can support you in healing yourself, to free the ties that hold you back and realize your highest potential.
Don't miss this opportunity to be one of the few individuals to embark on this life-changing 10-month initiation of self.
Are you ready to unlock your highest potential, overcome your core challenges, and navigate life's complexities with grace and resilience?
I invite you to join me, on a transformative 10-month journey of self-discovery and healing through the Simran Ishnaan Experience (SIExperience).
The SIExperience is a one-of-a-kind program that combines ancient wisdom, modern techniques, and intuitive practices to support your personal growth and well-being. By integrating diverse healing modalities such as sensory motor psychotherapy, Karum Kriya numerology, Soul Plan numerology, intentional creativity, and mindfulness, we create a powerful framework for your transformation.
The next application period for the SIExperience starts June 2024, and I am opening up just 5 spots for individuals who are ready to commit to this life-changing journey. By joining this intimate and supportive group, you'll receive personalized attention, guidance, and mentorship as you navigate the depths of your being and unlock your full potential.
If you feel called, I invite you to take the first step today. Click the link below to apply and then book your personal consultation call with me, where we'll discuss your unique needs, aspirations, and how the SIExperience can support you in healing yourself and realizing your highest potential.
[Book Your SIE Application and Interview Call]
Don't miss this opportunity to be one of the 5 individuals who will embark on this life-changing journey of self-healing and transformation. Together, we'll create a sacred space for you to explore, grow, and thrive.
With love and blessings,
Cynthia J Harrison
Founder of the Simran Ishnaan Experience
P.S. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the SIExperience, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am here to support you on your path to healing and awakening.
Earth: Preparation for the Experience...
Receive your codes and charts prepared by (Simran Ishnaan Kaur) for decoding the core challenges you individually are here to master.
Commence the teachings to understand and accept how these fears have played out in your life.
Learn how you build relationships with those parts of yourself, and those protective parts that no longer serve where you are wanting to go, and BE!
Water: Baptism by water, is ........
ISHNAAN the cleansing of karma, the refreshing wash of wisdoms to reveal the Mother, both the birthing, and destruction for the transformation of your true identity, your SELF.
The unfolding of what no longer serves and the restory of HERstory.
What you are here to cause and create!
Fire: Baptism by Fire.....
SIMRAN allows us to clear our minds, detach from the day to day events, release stress, confusion and emotions. It guides us through our negative and positive mindsets to access our neutral mind.
10th Mth
The remembrance
CREATIVE Evolutionary Retreat.
How we assist the revelation of Heaven on Earth for ourselves is via the Creative Process.
Our ability to speak of the experiences one has through the program is limited in speech. To assist the integration and embodiment of the 9 months' training, we bring core inquiries together to delve into our personal learning and transmission.
Visioning, with guidance to gain your own information about curiosities you may have.
We paint our own guidance in all her/his glory, taught in steps that anyone can do.
All will have a personal artwork,
an artefact that maps your personal journey
and continues to build in energy over time.
With each module,
each month we learn and develop specific information and bring it in from outside of us, into us, embodying the greatest knowledge of the human BODY, MIND, SOUL, to SPIRIT
The 10 month Retreat Finale
We journey to find our Muse (the voice of guidance that feeds you rather than feeds off you). The canvas is the portal through which we make contact and the Muse can emerge into being.
The core Creativity teaching is about bringing in your whole self through your intention, so that you can live fully liberated into the being you are here to express in the world.
The painting becomes a power generator through every thought and inquiry being infused into the painting. It is a quantum reality that when we bring our mindfulness to something, that it actually lights up.
As you light up you are lighting up the field that we are all part of and hence we light the earth.
The image will hold the space for the 10 Month SIExperience.
All our life experiences are held in a story. We are generally not conscious of how we hold these stories, what we make them mean or where they are stored in our field.
Memory exists inside the space around us in the field, and not in the brain. When we paint, we go into the field around us and access the story. We ask for that story through intention, to be moved out of the space where it is.
You will
Meet Your Integrated Supreme Self, spend the day journeying to find he/r, and through deep listening hear the whispers to you.
What will he/r message be for you?
NO Painting Experience Needed!
I will guide you through the step by step process as you bring your image to life using Creativity and Intuitive painting techniques.
From this in-depth personal experiencing you will leave not only with your Supreme Self on the canvas, but with a depth of knowledge about yourself from the exploration of your interior.
Come and join a small group for a day of fun, painting while accessing your left and right brain via visioning, writing, creating and journeying together.
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The Evocateur of soul, who Midwifes The Moments - Birthing Your New Realities!
Cynthia is a Mystic Medicine Woman, Metaphysical Minister, Spirit Lead Entrepreneur, Author, Social Scientist, Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner, Ascension specialist. and Mentor
With degrees in Metaphysics, Socio-Cultural and Medical Anthropology, Social Work, and Visual Arts,
Cynthia’s specialty is human behaviour: She focuses on the evolution of the human, Creative rEvolution utilising Energy (biofield medicine) and the Healing Arts for Transformation.
Awakening You to Re-Membering The Self Through Navigating Dimensions. Physically, Spiritually and Energetically – offering a complete body, mind, spirit experience.
We Start
Times: 130pm-330pm HST
(530pm PST, 830pm EST)
Next Day
Sydney 930am
Perth 730am
What Our Community Say
Learning to listen to my body is an extraordinary process. Finding the “stuck” energy that hides within is a tricky process. With Cynthia’s guidance, I was able to pinpoint where my personal trauma
was being held. The triggers that have been leaking the pain & spilling out throughout my lifetime.
As a child the only option was to be strong , meaning that pain had no other place to go, so it was buried pretty deep & nearly forgotten by even myself.
Once the pain was identified & just simply touched with love… the charge it held seemed to lighten. Leaving my whole body lighter. It was like I’d given my own soul the huge hug it needed as a child.
Doing this kind of work with the guidance from Cynthia and the support within our group has literally changed my life & how I walk through this world .
I know am able to hear my body & recognize its language.
Nichole N
I’m now able to see clearly how the contraction … & expansion opened up for my “unreasonable “ dream … meeting my fear of change directly in the face …. And now moving my family into my dream home ✨ 💖 !!
Sitting with the body and understanding what was happening inside of me was not something I learned to do as a child. What I did learn was to ignore, distract, eat, watch TV, disappear, etc.
Learning how to regulate is not a hard thing to learn, but sometimes it’s a very hard thing for the mind to choose to do. At times it has seemed easier to fall back on old strategies. But, I know by changing my coping strategy everything will change.
And, I’m finding that the more I do the simple process the more I’m choosing to do it. I’m seeing pain move, change and then release. I’m finding places where I’m stuck removed. I look back at my not very distant past and it’s like I’m looking at someone else. The things that scared me don’t have the same impact any longer.
I’m definitely a work in progress and I’m seeing change happening more quickly than I could have ever thought before. I’m committed to this being part of my practice for the rest of my life.
Cynthia has a way of teaching where she can give you an experience of what you’re learning. And that is such a gift. For me, the aha! is a moment of Grace that I can lean on in tough moments. Thank you Cynthia
Kim G
I would love to speak on my decision to do 1:1 Mentoring Program. I started with a few “wobbles”, around financial fear. Once my teetering mind let go of these limitations, I was free to engage, commit to the program, and trust the process. Truly, this has been a personal investment. Fear has been a lesson which I now recognize in a new light.
This mentorship has been about having relationship.
We created vision with an outline of intentions. Each session held its own magic, as our time spent felt, (to me), seemingly effortless, finding its own flow. There were strong boundaries set supporting a safe container for sharing as relevant dialogue and experiences came to a full circle. With generosity of time, these lessons were delivered with directorship. I had a space to notice and sense the relationship to the teachings. I now have a stronger relationship with myself.
. I understand now the importance of having a mentor. With committed work, I can see myself in love as the “I am” and the “I am not”. With mentorship, this road has been shortened and I am so thankful that I listened beyond the fear. It is important to be in a healthy relationship with self and Love has been my teacher.
Thank you Cynthia for this opportunity of having you as my mentor.
Constance Mayer,
So my “unreasonable dream” happened yesterday 🤩 🥹 so many emotions! We’re buying a house. Close in 15days .
Here is my new backyard! In a court w/kids & the neighbors saw us there yesterday & introduced themselves …. In credible expansion! The contraction this past week was intense but I was able to stay nearly in center 😭 🥳 🤗
💙 💙 💙 💙
"I started with Cynthia as a business mentor as well as my personal mentor. Cynthia has helped me turn something that was previously a wild dream into something tangible that I have not only grasped onto but have put in motion and has rapidly become my reality.
With Cynthia's guidance and encouragement, a 5-10 year plan is currently being executed over 12 months! Our business is growing and achieving things I'd only dreamed of.
Thank you Cynthia for all of your wisdom and support. I can't wait to see what we achieve in this next phase."
Laura F
I had an extensive journey with Cynthia. This enabled me to work through my childhood trauma. As I did this, my health also began to improve. How I view those traumas changed because I no longer feel the effects of them emotionally or physically.
I am able to share with others how events in your life can restrict who you really are. I communicate more openly, having strength and courage to stand in my own truth.
Thanks to Cynthia, I have been able to turn around a major health problem in my life.
Trust yourself to make changes.
Diane Brooks
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