Cynthia JH Bonnici
Dir. Product Development
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Trance the Beginnings
Trance Channeling
The Beginnings Course uses Trance / Channeling as a tool to build intimacy in our relationships with Spirit.
We gain tangible outcomes to affirm the infinity of who we ARE.
Introductory offer for November Start is Below.
We Look forward to sharing the methods, process and exercises with you.
You may have been working with Spirit in various ways,
and have the feeling that now is the time to take this connection even deeper. Or you may be curious what these types of spirit connections are, and how they can assist in our Conscious Evolution.
Once you start this type of development (trance & or channelling), many find a new depth and a stronger link to Spirit than they have had before.
We begin the 8 weeks course by looking at the theory behind what is happening in the different stages of Trance, Channelling, and how it all unfolds in practice.
Learn about blending techniques via your personal practice.
Before we move on to experimental exercises to start to improve the strength of the Spirit influence in daily life through healing, writing, drawing, give inspired messages in group setting and partner work.
The course is two hours per week over 8 weeks.
In a supportive and safe group environment.
From Channel to the different levels of Trance Mediumship for many is a gentle shift into working on allow the intelligence and wisdom of Higher Soul Selves to work with and through you.
There are many levels, and we start at the beginnings.
What I am offering is the direct personal experience for you to BE in the space and connection of such Love and Compassion.
Becoming an instrument for spirit to communicate with and heal others.
Words rarely can express the gift this connection can bring to not only the medium, but also all others in their presence.
You may be asking:
This training helps deepen ones personal work in other practices such as:
Subtle Energy, Psychic, Intuitive practices, and Mental Mediumship.
Learn other ways to assist humanity and individuals needing support and guidance.
In my experience this is such power filled yet the most loving and gentle work.
The healing and love felt can only be experienced, as no words are really sufficient.
No Experience necessary
All welcome to the Beginnings!!
We will enter together and walk each step until….
$1899 $999
100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!
This offer is only available for a very limited time.
Get your copy today, to ensure that you don’t miss out!
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