Cynthia Jane Harrison
The Renaissance Woman
The Evocateur of soul, who Midwifes The Moments of Birthing Your New Realities!
Cynthia is a Mystic Medicine Woman,
Author., Social Scientist, Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner, and Ascension specialist.
With degrees in socio-cultural and medical anthropology, social work, and visual arts,
Cynthia’s specialty is human behaviour:
She focuses on the evolution of the human, Creative Evolution utilising Energy (biofield medicine) and the Healing Arts for Transformation.
Awakening You to Re-Membering The Self Through Navigating Dimensions.
Physically, Spiritually and Energetically – offering a complete mind, body, spirit experience.
Cynthia Jane Harrison
Witnessing the extremes of human experience as I have moved through the world has led to my inquiring into 'why do people behave the way they do'? I have a drive to understand the human condition. I observe people and read widely, in an attempt to understand what beliefs and conditioning patterns people follow.
I have Bachelor Degrees in Anthropology, Social Work, and Visual Arts. Going on to work in Mental Health, Acquired Brain Injury, Homelessness, Alcohol and Drug Addiction and Foster- Care. My specialty is human behaviour, why we do what we do. In particular for those who have been traumatised and neglected. I work as a Clinical Social Worker and Complex Trauma specialist. This work has directed my area of thought to look at "what the body is telling me?." Behaviour is a language in itself and if we break it down to look at the body we can gain immense insight into what is happening for a person and why.
Due to the limitations of talk therapies when accessing trauma, I sought other methods such as art and play therapy, stumbling across the powerful results of sand-play therapy. Studying in Switzerland at the Jung Institute and Dora and Martin Kalff's teachings. To support this inquiry I gained a qualification in Sensory Motor Psychotherapy that looked at the impact on the body when neglect and trauma are experienced.
There are gaps in many of the psychological models, therefore I integrated the arts and sciences, investigating the quantum idea of the holographic universe, producing artworks that attempted to make visible the invisible. These inquiries led to the world of energy, I went on to study numerous energy modalities (Kinesiology, Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) CP, Integrated Therapeutic Alignment (ITA) with the Stillpoint Institute (Perth, Australia) eventually becoming an energy medicine teacher for EEM and ITA. I was the artist in residence for The Stillpoint Institute (Australia), and produced their DVD / CD covers and the Power Generator sculptures made for the Mahat meditation and energy work.
My goal is to assist people to live well, bringing together psychotherapy, energy understanding and the arts into new modalities. I found Shiloh Sophia McCloud the founder of the intentional creativity movement and undertook her courses, going on to complete the Intentional Creativity Teachers qualification. Through Intentional Creativity training, combined with my past inquiries I offer a complete experience ( mind, body, spirit) to enable transformative growth.
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